We have had the pleasure of working with Certified transmission in Independence, MO for well over the past 10 years and have greatly enjoyed the professionalism and courtesy that they have shown towards our employees as well as our customers that we refer
Certified Transmission Announces 2019 Omaha Rotary Car Show
On May 11th we are hosting our first annual Certified Transmission Car Show! Sponsored by Suburban Rotary Club of Omaha. We are very excited to put on this event and hope to raise $5,000 to donate toward Rotary youth programs and scholarship funds. We are also featuring the Certified Transmission Car Museum for a small entry fee. Here you can check out over 30 of some of the most sought after collector cars, guitars, and custom made Transformers. Check out our flyer and please join us if you are able!
Certified Transmission is excited to announce the first annual "Greater Omaha Rotary Car Show" to be held on May 11th, 2019 at our remanufacturing facility. Sponsored by the Suburban Rotary Club of Omaha, this event's goal is to raise $5,000 in donations toward various youth programs and scholarships funds. Visitors to the fundraiser will also have the opportunity to visit Peter Fink's very own car museum, a very unique collection of 30 much sought after American manufactured muscle cars and various other memorobilia to include collectible guitars and custom made Transformers build from automotive parts (small entry fee).
Participants may pre-register online March 1st, 2019 at www.rotarycarshow.org. The first 50 to register will recieve a FREE goodie bag and dash plaque! Please download the event flyer to learn more details - Download Flyer.